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Degraded mires and peatlands restoration of North-East 1 region of Romania (PeatRO2) 



The “Degraded mires and peatlands restoration of North-East 1 region of Romania (PeatRO2)” project

is financed through Economic Area Financiar Mechanism (EEA),

under RO MEDIU Programme – ”Environment, Adaptation to Climate Change and Ecosystems”

Project Promoter: Institute of Biology Bucharest of the Romanian Academy (IBB)

Partner: Norwegian Institute for Nature Conservation Research (NINA)

Contract no. 125173/DAFE/16.12.2021

Registration number in the IBB: 3843/17.12.2021

Acronym: PeatRO2

Total planned value: 4.396.241,00 lei (888.165,38 EURO)

being financed fully from non-refundable funds from MF-SEE (85%) and the national budget (15%).

Project implementation period: 29 months (16.12.2021 – 30.04.2024)